Lucia's BLOG

S A L E S are O N !!!
Discounts from 50% up, to all your favorite pieces from our Fall Winter 2018 Collection!
HO, HO, HOOOO!!! Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to announce the winner of our contest: Int_cristina@yahoo.com!
Dear Cristina: CONGRATULATIONS! Please contact us on raluca@luciaolaru.com so we can offer you the prize.
My dears, thank you for participating!
Proud to invite you to BAND OF CREATORS - GLAM SHOP on 7th and 9th of DECEMBER, at PALAIS GHICA VICTORIA! We will be there to offer you our new collections and also two beautiful night gowns for the glamorous nights that are just about to come.
See u soon!

Materia - Leather Fair
The last 2 days I was really busy with Materia Fair, as I was accepted as a participant. I did not use leather, instead I did use leather imitation, best quality, and the reaction that we got from all the people that saw my designs, was overwhelming!
I am very proud that I could be part of the team of designers from Materia and I am now convinced that I am on the good track!
Thank you my supporters, friends, customers and designers, your words mean the world to me.
Here you have our piece of resistance and our sold out item!
And see u soon at V for Vintage, 11-12 November, at Grand Hotel du Boulevard, as we will be presenting our capsule collection, specially designed for this fair!
Take a look :)

We have a contest prepared for you!
If you want to win a luciaolaru top you have to do the following:
1. Subscribe to our newsletter here www.luciaolaru.com, at the bottom of the page, left side.
2. Like our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Lucia.rOlaru/ and share the post that you like the most.
The prize is our BOW TOP .
Contest regulations 23rd October 2017 until 20th of November:
- The contest takes place from 23rd of October until 20th of November;
- You can participate only if you already have 18 years old or more.
- We do not offer the value in money of the prize.
- The winner will be announced on 1st of December after random.org will choose the winner.
So you wake up one morning
So you wake up one morning and realize that your entire career is driving your life towards an empty ending. You start asking yourself: "What for?" and changes start to happen.
You quit your job from a multinational company and realize you want to start working in fashion. How predictable for a girl, you might say, but I wanted to be surrounded by beautiful clothes, that make a woman complete her character and soul.
Logistics was a done deal for me. Another chapter was empty and I wanted to be filled in really quickly, but only with my dreams. So here I am browsing for a job when I see: Brand Manager for Mango! Wow! How can this be true? Could I dare to dream? I had no experience in the field of retail but here I was, standing beside it. So I applied. After four interviews, tests and rounds of Mango stores I was hired.
I thought this is it: what else could I want more? But rest assure, there was so much more. This Brand Manager position was just sparkles in my eyes, because ladies, fashion is not what you see on Fashion TV! It's only an industry that is eager to collect money, no matter what. What I found out was that people don't matter, they can be brutally disrespected by superiors just because they can.
During my eight months as an employer at Mango, I saw how low managers can go, just to show they have that "glamour" of fashion, not to mention that what you see is not what you get. So I understood that if I want to accomplish what I dream of, I would have to build my own brand or my own business. Working for Mango gave me quite some experience as in how to manage a shop, a brand, from marketing point of view, logistic, stocks, shop floor, merchandising etc.
In the end I realized I needed so much more, as in enrolling in a fashion design school, where I could learn how to become a better version of myself. In no time I found out about Bucharest Art School where I could take classes of Fashion Design. I had as a teacher a wonderful designer, Maria Constantinescu, that introduced us in the history and wonder world of fashion, where I could finally be touched and inspired trough beauty.
Imagine that the classes were held in a very ancient building, at ground level, at night, as I had no time during the day for classes, and where we had no heat during winter. But still, what we discussed there and what we were taught meant for me much more than the actual poor conditions that the school was offering us.
The Fashion Designer course was supposed to take up to two years and so my path towards my dream started to follow.

How to ....
Hi and welcome to my personal blog!
I would like to dedicate my blog to all the people that have an unfulfilled dream, to those people that live behind a career that does not make them happy; to those people who fall asleep at night with a bitter taste...
I was a regular child, from a regular family, nothing out of ordinary. I wasn't the best kid in any filed, nobody asked me, as I can remember: what do you want to become when you grow up? On the contrary, I've been oscillating in twelve years of school, between becoming the Romanian Ambassador in Japan and later, becoming a lawyer. None of these two things were meant to be, and in the end I ended up at the Faculty of Foreign Languages where I have studied English-Japanese.
Then, like many others, I ended up in a multinational company, working in Logistics Department. Nicely done, isn't it? Nothing that I've been dreaming of, learnt, prepared me for Logistics. In 2004, in Romania, the multinational company' dream made everybody crazy. If you weren't working in one you were a looser. Only between those walls the new world was created, only there you had calls, meetings, went in business trips and foremost you had the opportunity to go on business trips.
But I woke up after three years and started to dream a beautiful dream. I remember that I loved painting; that I had a drawing teacher, and this teacher was a director at the Museum of Visual Arts from Galati, my home town, and he used to take us three times per week at his museum, where he would teach us how to paint while paying the piano for us.
I have forgotten his name and his face, but I remember he had gray hair and he was speaking to us with a soft voice. I was happy there, there was nothing that I needed, everything I wanted was to paint.
After a while I wanted to learn how to sew, so I enrolled to Pioneer House, where we had sewing machines, but no other materials like threads, fabrics etc. So we were given a peace of paper, on which they learnt us how to sew straight, without a thread.
During high school I was very annoyed by the fact that all girls had more or less the same clothes. In a small town you did not have that much variety and no matter what you did, you'd still end up wearing the same outfit as other two-three girls. So I went to kids's department stores and as I was quite thin, I would buy clothes from there. I then came home with them, modify them and expose my new outfits to the world. It didn't last long until my friends discovered my secret and all school started to wear the "uniform" from kids' department store.
Photo capture: http://www.freeimages.com
To be continued....